30 Day Reset
Our 30 Day Reset will leave you feeling more balanced and calm. Each day you will spend a little time on you. Taking care of your health and wellness with the tools of Yoga and meditation. Join us for this experience.
Welcome to Your 30 Day Reset
Welcome to Week 1
Day 1 - Foundation of Postures (Asana)
Day 2 - Setting Intention (Satkara)
Day 3 - Back Care
Day 4 - Working on the Shoulders
Day 5 - Helping Your Digestion
Day 6 - Core Strengthening
Day 7 - Release those legs and hips with Yin
Welcome to Week 2
Day 1 - Root Chakra (Muladhara)
Day 2 - Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana)
Day 3 - Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
Day 4 - Heart Chakra (Anahata Chakra)
Day 5 - Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
Day 6 - Third Eye Charka (Ajna)
Day 7 - Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
Welcome to week 3
Day 1 - Compassion
Day 2 - Surrender
Day 3 - Conservation of Energy
Day 4 - Truthfulness
Day 5 - Discipline
Day 6 - Non Greed
Day 7 - Contentment
Welcome to Week 4
Day 1 - Promote Calm and Balance
Day 2 - Breath Exercises (Pranayama)
Day 3 - Postures (Asana)
Day 4 - Steady and Comfortable Practice
Day 5 - Challenges
Day 6 - Patterns
Day 7 - The Goal of Yoga
Yoga Nidra