Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to 350 hr Inspire Yoga Teacher Training

    • A message from Senior Teacher Liama Aesha

    • Key Links

    • Document Library

  • 2

    History of Yoga

    • Opening Chant

    • Where Yoga began

    • Quiz - Where Yoga Began

    • Yoga Today

    • Quiz - Yoga Today

  • 3

    Yoga Cosmology

    • Opening Chant

    • Cosmology, Symbology and Mythology

    • Quiz - Cosmology, Symbology and Mythology

    • Extension Exercise - Yoga Themes

  • 4

    Bhagavad Gita

    • Opening Chant

    • Main Philosophical Concepts

    • Handbook for Self-Realization

    • What are the Gunas?

  • 5

    The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

    • Opening Chant

    • An Invocation to Lord Patanjali

    • Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Summary

    • 8 Limbs of Yoga

  • 6


    • Opening Chant

    • What is Pranayama?

    • Pranayama Suitable for Beginners

  • 7

    Advanced Pranayama

    • Opening Chant

    • Advanced Pranayama

    • What are Bandhas?

    • Bhandas in Practice

  • 8


    • Opening Chant

    • What is meditation?

    • Sitting for meditation

    • Presencing

    • Breath Meditation

    • Body Scan Relaxation

    • Chakra Meditation

  • 9

    Japa and Mantra

    • Opening Chant

    • Mantra

    • Japa

    • Popular Chants

  • 10

    Sequencing and Theming

    • Opening Chant

    • The Basics of Sequencing

    • Theming

  • 11

    Vinyasa Yoga

    • Opening Chant

    • History of Vinyasa Yoga

    • Contemporary Styles of Yoga

    • Sequencing a Vinyasa Class

    • Vinyasa Yoga

    • Teaching Vinyasa Yoga

    • Benefits of Surya Namaska

  • 12

    Appendix A - Sanskrit Pronunciation

    • Sanskrit

  • 13

    Appendix B - Assessments

    • Assessment 1 - Pranayama

    • Assessment 2 - The 8 Limbs of Yoga (Patanjali)

    • Assessment 3 - The Bhagavad Gita

  • 14

    Appendix C - Zoom Recordings

    • Asana Lecture - 23rd April 23

    • Meditation Class - 23rd April 23

    • How to teach a meditation class - 23rd April 23

    • Asana Lecture - 21st May 2023

    • Yama and Nyama Lecture - 21st May 2023

    • Asana Recap - 2nd July, 2023

    • Mantra and Japa Lecture - 2nd July, 2023

    • Sequencing Lecture - 2nd July 2023