Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to Yoga Anatomy and Physiology

    • Welcome Note

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    Module 1 - Systems of the Body

    • Cardiovascular System

    • Cardiovascular System Quiz

    • Immune System

    • Immune System Quiz

    • The Female Reproductive System

    • The Female Reproductive System Quiz

    • The Male Reproductive System

    • The Male Reproductive System Quiz

    • Digestive System

    • Digestive System Quiz

    • Nervous System

    • Nervous System Quiz

    • Endocrine System

    • Endocrine System Quiz

    • Respiratory System

    • Respiratory System Quiz

    • Extension Work

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    Module 2 - Musculoskeletal System

    • Bones

    • Bones Quiz

    • Joints

    • Joints Quiz

    • Ligaments

    • Ligaments Quiz

    • Muscles

    • Muscles Quiz

    • Spine

    • Spine Quiz

    • Shoulder

    • Shoulder Quiz

    • Knee

    • Knee Quiz

    • Hip and Pelvis

    • Hip and Pelvis Quiz

    • Torso

    • Torso Quiz

    • The Elbow

    • Elbow Quiz

    • Body Surface Anatomy

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    Module 3 - Movement

    • Planes of the body

    • Planes of the Body Quiz

    • Movement

    • Movement Quiz

    • Standing Postures

    • Standing Postures Quiz

    • Movements of the Neck

    • Movements of the Neck Quiz

    • Movements of the Scapula

    • Movements of the Scapula Quiz

    • Movements of the Shoulder

    • Movements of the Shoulder Quiz

    • Movements of the Trunk

    • Movements of the Trunk Quiz

    • Movements of the Hips

    • Movements of the Hips Quiz

    • Movements of the Knee

    • Movements of the Knee Quiz

    • Movements of the Ankle

    • Movements of the Ankle Quiz

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    Module 4 - Postures

    • Bidalasana

    • Tadasana

    • Shavasana

    • Shalabasana

    • Utkatasana

    • Adha Mukha Shvanasana

    • Uttanasana

    • Virabhadrasana II

    • Trikonasana

    • Pashimottanasana

    • Kombukhasana

    • Dhanrasana

    • Postures Quiz

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    Module 5 - Mind Body Connection

    • Mind Body Connection